High doses of vitamin C can cure all kinds of stuff. Of course, the FBI is shutting down clinics that are providing this treatment.
Dvorak on HCQ
Dvorak plays clips from two doctors with a unique take.
Dr. Jeff Barke
He talks about the politicization of COVID19, testing, vaccines and HCQ.
Constitutionality of Forced Vaccinations
Alan Dershowitz believes the Supreme Court would uphold the constitutionality of forced vaccinations. Our own researcher begs to differ.
Bill Gates, Vaccines and the CIA
A 2005 presentation to the CIA about killing a gene that will make people less religious. Dvorak is certain it is NOT Bill Gates.
Unintended Consequenced
Suicides, lawsuits and more.
Options for Increasing Adherence to Social Distancing
Adam finds a document from a think tank on how to brainwash the public
Masks as Fashion
Spoiler alert: They don’t work.
Uncle Don’s wife can’t wait to Dump Trump and New Yorkers are making PSAs.
Fauci Flip-Flops
This is constant. The EXPERTS simply cannot make up their minds.
Mark Those Balls, People!
You can kick their balls but don’t touch their balls.
Mike Rowe on Risk
Interesting observations from a level headed person.
Big Pharma, HCQ and THE MEDIA
This is all just stupid. Jeeze. Prophylactic use of HCQ for COVID19 is BLASTED.
The President is Taking HCQ!?!?
Yup. And Niel Cavuto at Fox AIN’T havin’ it. He has to bow down to the pharmaceutical overlords.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Liquor stores are open but you can’t go to an AA meeting.
‘Rona ‘Round the World
New Jersey, Greece, Brazil and China each opening up in their own way.
Maurice de Hond is Cancelled
Famous Dutch pollster and entrepreneur has been shut down for criticizing COVID19 numbers.
New York Nursing Home Timeline
A No Agenda Producer in the know lays out the fiasco that was the executive orders regarding nursing homes in New York.
Turns Out Antibodies Tests are Failing. Huh.
An extremely under reported story that No Agenda has been following closely.
Who’s Going to Lead Us?
The media is pitting Fauci vs Trump. Guess who’s side they are on?
Rick Bright and the Revolving Door
Rick Bright bounced between government and private industry for his entire career. Not the guy you want involved in developing a vaccine.
Here Comes the Vaccine
Alan Dershowitz discusses the possibility of the government’s forcing vaccinations.
The CDC is Corrupt
No Agenda producers have been following the CDC’s reported numbers and have found discrepancies.
Karens Demand Masks!
Adam reads a nasty note from a wild Karen.
Fudge those Numbers, Baby
Adam discusses the ways the numbers are adjusted both up and down. A man drinks himself to death and is recorded as a COVID19 death.
Austin Color Coded Stages
Adam describes the COVID19 threat levels akin to the post-9/11 era terror scare
Boots on the Ground from Japan and China
No Agenda network reports from Japan and China on masks, testing and re-opening.
You Wear a Mask, I’ll Open Carry
Adam proposes wearing masks is a virtue signal by wearing masks to ‘protect others’.
Nursing Home Hypocrisy
Pennsylvania Health Secretary… The guys figure out that this is actually a man. They discuss the huge screw up on nursing home policy. JCD insists they are killing Grandma to make Trump look bad
Rand Paul vs The Illuminati
Rand Paul confronts reality in the Senate. Adam takes a left turn down a Jesuit rabbit-hole.
Birx vs Fauci on the Numbers
Birx is irritated with the CDC and the bad numbers. Fauci weighs in with his opinion. Includes an interlude regarding balaclavas.
Amy Goodman Passes Judgement
Democracy Now is obsessed with Republicans’ not wearing masks.
Revisiting Fauci on Masks
Adam screwed up on the last show and everyone was all over him about it. Also covers the SCIENCE about transmitting COVID19. Also, Adam’s bit about the McDonald’s drive through.
Quick Trip Around the World
Let’s put a mask on The Statue of Liberty, lol.
Oh, Elon!
Elon wants to open up and everyone is losing their minds.
Bill’s Gotta Vax
Bill’s vaccines vs. Trump’s HCQ. JCD insists it is all political.
Van Jones is Full of ‘Beans’
He cancels a speech at a webinar when he finds out who is hosting.
Why Don’t You Ask China?
Why are you asking ME that question!?
CBS’ Timeline of the Wu-Flu
There is some Orange-Man-Bad in there if you can believe it.
China Stealing Secrets? What!?
Chinese hackers are stealing COVID19 research secrets, duh.